Our Mission

AVR’s mission is to provide learning experiences that will assist our students develop their personality to achieve their maximum potential.

To adapt and adjust to survive against odds in a diverse and ever changing society.

To provide our students with the under standing that diversity of gender physical or mental ability culture and background is a strength to be respected.

Our Facilities

Homely Atmosphere

Kids are most welcome to their second home. Thanks to Homely atmosphere at AVR.

Well Disciplined

We are well disciplined and teach discipline. Our premises are hygienic.

Well Qualified Teachers

AVR has Well qualified teachers who are fluent in Languages.


We give much importance to Languages. Students will be taught English and Hindi.

Van Facility

Transportation is never an issue. We have our own Vans for easy tranportation.

Army School Method

AVR functions under the guidance of 15yrs experienced teacher in Army School.